The Serpentine

A sinister, twisting melody on strings in D major, used to represent the four main Serpentine tribes introduced in Rise of the Snakes.

Young “Evil” Lloyd Garmadon

This mischievous eight-note melody played on the ukulele is used during Rise of the Snakes to represent young Lloyd Garmadon while he tries to be evil and live up to his father’s reputation. This leitmotif has rarely, if at all, been used since Lloyd became the Green Ninja. As a fun easter-egg, the loud rock music Lloyd played on a radio to drown out the Sacred Flute’s melody in the episode “Snakebit” was his own theme.


The scheming Anacondrai is represented in the soundtrack with this jazzy leitmotif played on a string bass with a harpsichord backing the main melody.


Uniquely, the Fangpyre tribe of Serpentine are represented by an individual leitmotif, in addition to the main Serpentine leitmotif when grouped in with the other tribes. The melody seems to be a variation on the Serpentine leitmotif, with a few key differences in notes and instrumentation giving the tribe their own unique feel.

The Green Ninja

A triumphant (and, at times, somber) theme played on horns or flute with packing percussion. It represents the mythical Green Ninja’s heroism and bears quite noteworthy similarities to the Ninjago theme’s melody.

Garmadon’s Family

A melody with several different tonal variations performed on strings and brass, used to represent dynamics of Garmadon’s family. A very tragic-sounding iteration of it often plays during moments of conflict between members of the family, almost always with Lloyd and Garmadon.

The Falcon

A poignant and mysterious melody in the key of A minor played on violin, incorporating lots of large intervals and ornaments, as well as virtuosic shifts in tempo and dynamic. It is used to represent Zane’s falcon companion.

The Great Devourer

This leitmotif, used to represent the giant snake capable of consuming the world, has an almost tribal tone to it underneath the snaking two-note horn patterns and forceful drumming. As chromaticism is commonly linked to all snakes in the show, the Devourer being represented by a single chromatic descending half step signifies its deity-like status as one of the most ancient and powerful serpents.

The Postman

A cheery syncopated tune played on flute with backing plucked strings that represents the comedic escapades of the Postman, which has periodically come back for his appearances throughout the series.

Samurai X

An energetic and occasionally techno-influenced theme for the once-mysterious Samurai X, played on synths and brass and composed of a repeated set of jumps with modern percussive rhythms.

Dr Julian / Zane

While originally just the melody for the somber violin piece “The Memory Switch”, it was brought back for Zane’s father (and somewhat Zane himself) in the second and third seasons, with very occasional appearances since then. In Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu, it was fully brought back, transformed to a more sinister key and in 4/4 rather than 3/4 to represent Zane during his rule as the Ice Emperor.