Leitmotifs in Prime Empire

Unagmi/Prime Empire

A bold melody with strong digital influences, representing both Unagami and Prime Empire as a whole (since they are close to the same thing). Out of all the villain leitmotifs, this probably has the most variation, with showing the intimidating and mysterious presence of the antagonist, their conflicted and sad feelings, and the fun and colorful world of Prime Empire with upbeat variations reminiscent of old video game soundtracks.

Red Visors

A forceful techno theme for Prime Empire’s peacekeepers, utilizing heavy percussion, low synth noises and broken-up orchestral sounds.


A comical, easygoing melody using lots of synth sounds, representing the merchant Shifty and his shop.

Level 13

A fast, repeated pattern of descending broken triads underneath a legato digital melody signifies the 13th Level of Prime Empire, which transports players into the game.

Artificial Intelligence

A seven-note phrase and its variation represent the sentience of the AI’s in Prime Empire along with their journey of breaking their programming. When in relation to Okino, it is played with his instrumentation, while with Racer 7 and Unagami, the instrumentation is always electronic.